Cooperation agreement inked for ACUUS-SinoProbe International Working Group-Urban Geology and Underground Space

[ 04-17-2019 ]
An agreement signed between the Research Center on Deep Exploration(SinoProbe Center) under the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and the Associated research Center for the Urban Underground Space (ACUUS) on November 12th aims to bridge multidisciplinary and international experts to advance the research on sustainable urban underground space planning and to apply international best practices to pilot cities in China and other cities in the working group member nations.

The collaboration will make use of both organizations' experiences and knowledge in the field. 

Under this agreement, the ACUUS-SinoProbe International Working Group-Urban Geology and Underground Space [WG-Geo] is created for a duration of three years. The main missions of WG-Geo include the following: to build a platform with regular symposia worldwide to convene key academics and decision-makers of the urban underground; to provide a guidebook on geological and infrastructural survey coordinated with urban underground space planning practice; to provide a regulatory framework on underground geological resources protection and synergy mechanisms; to provide a global case bank on the guidebook of geological survey and on the regulations of underground resources protection.

The Associated research Centers for the Urban Underground Space (ACUUS) is an international non-governmental association actively promoting partnership amongst all actors in the field of planning, management, research and uses of urban underground space. The ACUUS strives to bind these public, private and university levels into a cohesive network of mutual cooperation for the benefit of all parties involved.